How do I improve my site's ranking? HotBot's search results are based solely on comparing the user's search query to the content of millions of Web pages. There is no list matching certain search terms or keywords with special results. Basic factors affecting a page's ranking are: the words in the title, keyword META tags, word frequency in the document, and document length. If you need to know how to structure your META tags, here are a few pointers: http://www.hotwired.com/webmonkey/html/96/51/index2a.html We're aware that some people create pages to maliciously "spoof" search engines - making search engines return pages that are irrelevant to the search at hand or pages that rank higher than their content warrants. Common spoofing techniques include the senseless repetition of words, the inserting of META tags unrelated to the document's content, or the use of words that cannot be read due to their small size or color. If HotBot recognizes any spoofing technique, it will severely penalize a page's ranking.
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